Reply to two unnamed bloggers

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Reply to A:
Your hypothesis is that the world is fair, and you try to fit the data to your hypothesis. Your hypothesis is a fallacy. You wouldn’t publish anything that contradicts your hypothesis. This hypothesis, is, I believe, your strongly held belief, because you consider your life to be good and that you deserve it. I have the opposite attitude towards my life. We have some beliefs in common, though, and sometimes one of your commenters says something interesting.
Reply to B:
Your posting makes me cringe and you should stop posting, IMO. I would’ve taken you more seriously when I was less developed. It looks like you’re growing too, which is good. Stop posting and start posting again when you’re more developed. You’re actually older than me. It looks like your goal is to be unpopular, which makes me wonder what the point of your blog is. I would tolerate reading your blog if you said something interesting, but you don’t, so I guess I’ll stop.